How much money should I have in my super by the time I reach retirement?

This simple question plagues countless Australians that are unaware of their personal superannuation situation.

Research completed by online asset finance broker, Savvy, offers unprecedented insight into the breakdown of superannuation figures of the Australian population.

The research found that 44% of men have over $100,000 in their superannuation, compared with 25% of women.

The findings also revealed the disturbing fact that 45% of women have a super balance of $50,000 or less, compared to 32% of men.

However, the national average for all Australians aged between 35-39 to have in their superannuation fund is currently $122,000.

This begs the question…what are industry superfunds doing to your super money?

Are they investing in industries that will help grow your superannuation fund in order to secure your retirement?

This question should not need to be asked, the answer should be a resounding yes!

Why would you let an industry superfund invest 10.5% of your annual salary in investments deemed safe with little return?

Why not establish a self-managed super fund (SMSF) to enable you to take control of your own money, and invest it in safe investments with huge returns?